Stella's on cloud nine

I'm venturing into new dyeing ground. I'm very excited about it. One of my goal's for 2009 is to learn how to spin. I've tried my hand at a drop spindle, and it was fun, but I'm really dying to go all the way and spin on a wheel. I love the idea of spinning, and even more the idea of spinning from roving that I dyed myself! So, step one is to try the dyeing. I tried, and it was beautiful. It was so much fun to see the roving go from dry and fluffy and beautiful, to wet and limp and honestly looking like kind of a disaster, and then dried and fluffy and colourful and gorgeous again! I braided it and had it all ready for a photo shoot, then I went off to work and left Stella home alone with it, and this is what happened:

She had a field day! She was very severely punished for doing this, but I have to admit she was adorable lying on the bed covered in this cloud of turquoise fluff! She knows not to dare going near the yarn, hopefully now she's learn not to go near the roving either!

ps: Don't worry, this big pile of shredded fluff won't go to wast. I plan on using what I can to make a great pair or TFA thrummed mittens.