February Lady Sweater Knit-Along at the Purple Purl

I totally realize that I should have posted about this much earlier, but the reason why I've been a little lame on the blog posts this past week is because I've been dyeing up 299 skeins of Green Label aran weight yarn for the Purple Purl. They've organized a February lady sweater knit-along using my yarn! Read all about it in their newsletter. Lots of people are getting in on the action, they've got a thread going on Ravelry under the Purple Purl group. So, though I should have given it a shout out earlier, that's what I've been up to. I am really looking forward to seeing all the finished sweaters! I can't wait to get the final group shot, it's going to be such a thrill to see so many people wearing my yarn! I wish I could be there in person, maybe I'll have to plan a trip to Toronto when they're all done.