It was my mother in law's birthday yesterday so Chris and I hosted the family for a lovely birthday dinner. I made this awesome cake. I'll share the recipe another day, but for today I wanted to show off this awesome marshmallowy white frosting with confetti sprinkles while it's still available for photographs... I have a feeling that by lunch time this leftover cake will be significantly less "photo-ready"... or at least significantly less "on my counter" and significantly more "in my belly"!
Thanks to everyone who commiserated with me over bad socks. After I published that blog post I re-read it and found myself to be very complainy, and nobody likes a cranky blogger... but I guess that everyone can relate to a good second sock rant! I didn't manage to finish the socks this weekend but I am very close. I am definitely going to love these socks when I'm finally finished with them!