The super talented Jettshin test knit my Coolbreeze Cardigan pattern for me. One scroll through her Ravelry project page and you can see why I was thrilled that she was keen to work with me. Her project page is like an art gallery of perfectly tailored knits. She can take just about any pattern and make it look like it was made just for her!
I opted to have the test knit done in a the Rusty Palette with Sand as the main colour. I thought that it would be neat to see how the pattern/colour worked out with a warm palette on a light background (as opposed to the cool palette on the dark background of my blue version). I found this photo of her sweater in progress in my inbox one day and my jaw hit the floor. I love this warm version just as much as my original!
I'm convinced that any of my Palettes would be beautiful in the yoke of this sweater. I have plans to knit myself another, maybe in this colour combo? Or maybe using the Jewel Palette! Choosing a colourway is always one of the hardest parts, which is why I've made it easy for you by making up the Coolbreeze Sweater kits!