Not over it

This has been a bit of a crazy week here at TFA headquarters. With Monday having been a holiday and the big Etsy Update to keep me busy these past few days I fee like I've been the busiest of bees all week! I love it though. I'm a huge dork and there is nothing I like more than organizing, stacking, sorting, labeling, packaging and shipping off orders. I get such a high from seeing piles of yarn turn into piles of completed orders all ready to be shipped off to their new homes! 

Anyways, so a busy week, but a great week. Here is what I've been up to on the knitting front:
Finished Aberdeen ave hat! #TFAUrbanCollectionKAL
Pattern: Aberdeen Ave. Hat by Glenna C.
Yarn: TFA Green Label Aran Weight yarn in Natural and ooak Perfect Pink
Ravelry project page here.

This was my second TFA Urban Collection KAL project. It's the compliment to my Aberdeen Ave. Mitts. It fits just like a cute little beanie should and along with the mitts will make someone on my Christmas list very happy. 
And, because I'm not over my new Cosmic Blue Label yarn, nor am I quite finished with Glenna's Urban Collection, I've cast on for another project. The Queen St. Mitts were one of my favourite designs from the first Urban Collection, I even mentioned them in this post I did about it over a year ago. These mitts feature a fancier cable and bobble motif than I typically go for, but there is just something about them that has stuck with me. I always figured I'd knit them in the super soft Purple Label that the pattern calls for, but the thought of walking around with a bit of sparkle peeking out from underneath my cuffs makes me really happy. So I've cast on in Cosmic Blue Label in Lucky Penny. It is so hard to capture the sparkles in photo's, but trust me, when I'm working away on these in the evening and the light from my lamp catches them, it's brilliant!