So, this hat was not knit by me, nor is the yarn my yarn, it's not even my pattern! Zero for three. But, hey, that's my boy! Hat model extraordinaire! Can that kid rock a slouchy hat like it's nobody's business or what?
My cousin Louise was recently visiting and while she was here she finished off this gorgeous hat. The pattern is Magnolia by Maria Socha. It's knit in Madelinetosh Chunky in the Spectrum colourway. A colourway that I really love, in fact, I own 1 skein of Madelinetosh yarn in Pashmina and it is in this very colourway (my cousin and I have great taste!) but now I think that I should have bought it in Chunky rather than Pashmina because Rowan really looks good in this chunky hat! Or maybe TFA needs a chunky base... wheels are turning!
Shipping update: If you are still waiting for your yarn from the Boxing Day Etsy Update or from an order that you placed over the holidays, rest assured that we are packing and shipping as fast as we possibly can! Canada Post has gone and thrown a wrench in my plans by having a glitchy website today, so I am writing blog posts with cute pictures of babies to try and calm my nerves because I can't work on getting all the shipping done... grrrrrr.