I've got several projects on the needles these days that I don't think I've mentioned at all on the blog. So, here's a little update on what I'm working on.

First up is a new design I started just the other night. I'm knitting it in Aurora in the new Amber Label base and so far so good! I have no more details to share about this bad boy as it's still in a very preliminary stage and I have no idea where it will go from here. Hopefully somewhere, possibly nowhere.
My official Ravellenic Games project:

When I released the Cavalcade Sock pattern as the January Year In Colour Club pattern many of us agreed that the back pattern alone was pretty enough for a sock. I'm knitting a pair of DK weight socks for my sister in law in the Saffron colourway using just the eyelet cable ribbing motif. Should be such a quick knit, but things have been so busy these days that it's proving to be quite challenging to find the time to work on it.
My Follow Your Arrow mystery shawl:

I've tried very hard to work each clue the week it came out, and up until now, I've managed to stick to the timeline. But now I'm on the last clue, Clue number 5. I've opted to pick option B for every clue, it's going to be great, but it's going to take forever to work this border. The pattern is ingenious, but I've gone ahead and decided to make things uber-complicated by working the border in intarsia! The results will be so worth it, and I don't think I'd like it half as much if I didn't, but man, this is a pain in the butt to knit. I will persevere and finish this eventually but it will certainly not be finished by Sunday night. Sigh. My project page with yarn details can be found here. I was considering intarsia for the border, figured it was foolish, but then saw this version and now there is no going back!
So, those are my main knitting projects these days. Other than that I'm trying desperately *desperately* to get photos of Rowan in this hoodie for the pattern I'm wrapping up. He is almost too big for it now and is so much more mobile than he was just a few week ago. There is a very good chance that the pattern shots end up blurry and that Rowan is squeezed into this hoodie like a little blond sausage.

So, what's on your needles? Are any of you doing the Mystery KAL? Ravellenic Games? Crazy intarsia projects? Baby wrangling?