Last week I posted a photo of a stack of fabrics that were destined to become a Colour Dive Quilt. (I bought the kit here.) And then Saturday I spent a solid 12 hours cutting, sewing, pressing, organizing and then sewing and pressing some more until I had the better part of a quilt top complete. Man, what a day!
A few things you may not have known about me:
1) I like to sew almost as much as I like to knit. I'm scared of sewing machines, but my mom is a real pro, so with her handy to help if something goes wrong, I am in heaven. In terms of sewing I prefer quilts, bags, stuff doesn't have to fit. :) Incidentally, one of my favourite sewing projects to date is a Multitasker Tote that I made a few years back, also with an Anna Maria Horner pattern and fabrics. AMH is my girl!
2) I am a tad insane when it comes to my crafting stamina. I worked on this quilt, only stopping to feed the baby, feed myself, or go to the bathroom, from 8:30 am until 8:30 pm. I could have worked longer, but alas, I think that 12 hours of baby-neglect is probably enough for one day. Rest assured, Rowan was in very good hands with Chris, my mom and my sister taking care of him, so it wasn't total neglect.
One more marathon session and I'll have this quilt top complete. I am so crazy for the colours and the prints. The way that they come together is magical.
What did you all do this weekend? Any crazy craft-a-holics like me out there?