Update - Including Etsy News!

It's been quiet on the blog this week, but it has not been quiet behind the scenes! Oh no, we have been busier than ever, which makes it an absolutely terrible time for me to get a sinus infection! I've never had one before and I hope to never have one again because it really is the worst feeling ever. I firmly believe that I am on the mend though, I have faith that I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning a new woman! 


Despite feeling like my face is about to explode, I've managed to get a lot done. I've made great progress on my knits for Rowan. Above is the second vest I've made for him this week and it's just missing a bit of armhole ribbing and then it will be done! I decided to stick with my original colour palette plan of Tartan, Stone and Sand for his Schoolboy Vest and I'm glad that I did because it's beautiful! Also pictured in the photo above are my awesome new stitch markers!!! Thanks to Julie's terrific holiday gift guide I found out about this beautiful Etsy shop that makes the perfect stitch markers. Until now, my stitch marker game has been extremely lack-luster. I thought that I didn't really like stitch markers and would avoid using them unless I really had to. But as it turns out, I was just using the wrong ones! Now I'm looking for excuses to place a gorgeous marker on my needles. Both sets that I chose (the raindrop shape and the multicoloured ringO's - neither of which I seem to be able to find right this moment on the shop's site, I suspect holiday busy-ness is to blame and they will be back soon) slide beautifully on my needles and really just make my day when I come to them in my knitting. The silver raindrops in particular are like jewellery. If these were available in an earring I would totally wear them. 


Shopping for stitch markers aside, my main focus this week has been on prepping for our annual Boxing Day Etsy Update! I've been posting sneak peeks to my Instagram and facebook accounts and it's been fun to see what colourways people are excited about. I will have a full preview of the available yarns up on the blog a few days before Christmas. It will be set up the same way as it was last year, so if you need a refresher on how it works check out last year's post here. I'll re-post most of that content when the preview is ready, but just in case anybody is wondering what the heck I'm talking about... go check that out!
