This is a super simple little sandwich recipe (as much as any sandwich can really have a recipe) that I think takes the most humble of ingredients and turns them into pretty much the best lunch ever. It is not glamourous, that is store bought whole wheat sandwich bread up there - not gourmet bakery bread which would be awesome - but I'm just keeping it real here. So, here's the recipe: left over ham sliced thin, whatever cheese you have in the fridge (preferably something a little sharp like an aged cheddar, swiss or gruyere) and here's the secret ingredient, cream cheese! Layer the cream cheese, ham and hard cheese between two slices of bread, butter both sides and grill it in a pan as you would a grilled cheese. That's it, that's all, but trust me, the total is so much greater than the sum of it's parts! This sandwich is a home run and I would eat it for lunch any day.