Sources, left to right, top to bottom: DIY cotton yarn wall hanging, wool ball mobile, wool on canvas, hello, wooly wall hanging, my very own yarn storage wall!
I was planning on picking a TFA colourway to highlight in this week's mood board, but as I was browsing my pins on Pinterest I kept being drawn to these fun and different ways of using yarn, so I went with it and instead put together a happy little collage of alternative uses for our leftover yarn stash... yarn art! A quick Pinterest search of "yarn art" will give you a hundred ideas of inventive things to do with with your leftover skeins. Many are wild and crazy, but just as many are beautiful and artistic and would look great in any home without screaming "I'm a crazy yarn lady!" I really love the mobile and the "hello" sign, I could definitely see one or two of these projects popping up in my future.