A few snapshots from our trip to Toronto (details and captions on my Instagram feed). bottom right photo credit: Knittedbliss' instagram.
Last week we packed up the kids and drove to Toronto for a lovely long weekend spent with family and friends. I didn't bring my good camera and apparently only took 3 photos the whole time we were there. We were staying with my cousin and there were tons of opportunities to take fun photos of the kids playing (my cousin has 3 kids that my boys adore!) or of their beautiful, recently renovated home... but that's just not my style. I take photos every single day in my own home but can't get into the habit of documenting moments that matter when I'm away. I'm working on it!
Toronto was awesome. I have been very weary about traveling with the kids and the fact that we all enjoyed this short trip is very encouraging. I might plan something a bit more ambitious for the spring! When I asked Rowan what his favourite part of the weekend was he didn't say the Aquarium (which was awesome) or his cousin's birthday party, or any of the other fun activities we did together, he said that his favourite part was Friday morning when he and Chris accompanied my cousin and her 3 kids on their walk to school. So sweet. My favourite part was getting to see my family, including my sister who lives in Toronto, and getting to see Julie! The last time we saw each other we each had 1 child, and they were wee! Now we both have a big kids and babies, and they are adorable!
Bottom to top: OOAK speckled, OOAK weird-Chartreuse, Hunter (Club colourway from November 2016)
I didn't knit a stitch while we were in Toronto, but I did knit quite a bit in the car. As a parent, I have a very real and very profound love of car knitting. It's one of the only times that I can just sit there and do nothing but knit. Sure, there are lots of breaks to reach back and hand out snacks or change the song we're listening to or answer questions about how much longer it's going to be etc, but for the most part it was 5.5 hours of sitting and knitting. It's the only way to make a long car ride with 2 young kids feel like a mini-vacation in and of itself. As long as you can tune out the whining, it's heaven.
Above are a few skeins I've set aside for the sweater I'm working on right now. It's going to be a good one!