Blue Label in Hummingbird, star quilt, funfetti cake, rainbow, forget me not's, bird.
We had a fun Etsy update yesterday featuring loads of experimental colourways. Many of them were true one of a kinds. Wild experiments with no time to take notes and so many impossible to duplicate steps that they will never be seen again. Ha! Only slightly dramatic of me, right? Luckily, the Hummingbird colourway that I previewed on Instagram before the update is not one of them, this one we dyed with purpose and will be able to reproduce and make even better! These experimental dyeing days are so important to us creatively. Often times we don't know what exactly we're going for until we dive in and start playing. Hummingbird is, no doubt, one of my favourites. Featuring subtle blues with pops of gold and pink. It's much more than meets the eye and I'm looking forward to seeing it dyed on more of our bases soon!