Mood Board Monday - Gold

apple, nails, door, shoes, TFA Cosmic Blue Label in Gold, egg, bokeh, teacups, glitter eye.

applenails, door, shoes, TFA Cosmic Blue Label in Goldeggbokehteacups, glitter eye.

Sometimes I deliberate for ages before landing on what theme or colourway to focus on for a mood board. Other times I sit down at my computer, open Pinterest and the universe just cheers GOLD! On those days I listen and do as the universe bids me and make a stunning, shiny, bright and decadent Gold mood board to kick off your Monday morning with a reminder to treat yo-self!

Don't you just want to cradle that apple or that egg in the palms of your hands and never let them go? So shiny and smooth!

Interesting side note - I've done two past mood boards featuring Gold, Gold & Turquoise and Gold & Grey... but until today, never just Gold. Hmmm.
