Etsy Update on Wednesday, November 29th at 12pm ET!
I think that I can safely say that we have officially entered the Holiday Season. I for one, am thrilled about it! It's my favourite time of year. Despite my best intentions I still spend a lot of time working on "last minute gifts" because, well, sometimes it's just more fun to actually make the gift you're giving during the season in which you'll be giving it. Right? There is still loads of time to whip up a few quick knits for the lucky knit-worthy people on your holiday lists. Especially if those gifts are knit in CHUNKY YARN! Tomorrow at 12pm (noon) ET the Etsy shop will be full of ready to ship skeins of glorious PureWash Chunky. All orders from tomorrow's update will be in the mail by Monday December, 4th. Unless you combine it with dyed-to-order items from our permanent collection on our website, that would add a few days of processing, but you'll definitely still get your yarn before the holidays I'm certain.
Silent Movie, Luna, Life's A Peach, Bisou.
Mona Lisa, Blue Opal, Rocket, Hummingbird.
Misbehaving', Purple Purl, Flamenco, Kaleidoscope.
Above is a selection of most of what I'll have available tomorrow. A bunch of speckles and a few fun multi/tonals thrown in the mix too. Add a pompom (which are also ready to ship!) and you've got yourself one amazing hat.
Below is a little collage I just threw together featuring some of my favourite quick chunky projects - most that I've knit myself and a couple that are still on my must knit list. I'd highly recommend any of these patterns for a quick yet gorgeous gift!
GAP-tastic Cowl by Jen Geigley, my project page - Rove Cowl - Fidra by Gudrun Johnston, project photo by ahickman - Alpine Trail by Jill Zielinski, my project page - Heira - Arika Cowl by Jane Richmond, my project page - Fairy Mist by Julie Crawford - pattern photo by knittedblissjc - Betsy by Jane Richmond - my project page.
This week is a fun one here at TFA headquarters! I've got literally boxes and boxes of boxes (gold boxes!) and mailers (gold mailers!) arriving tomorrow so I can assemble all your Gift Bundle's and get them in the mail! There's ribbon and tissue and so much golden goodness. I live for this sort of thing!