Scrappy Socks


Pattern: A basic toe-up sock recipe. See this post for a few links. 

Yarn: TFA Blue Label Fingering in Chris Grey and Peacock, TFA Purple Label Cashmere Sock in Charcoal.

Ravelry Project page here.

I've been on a real sock kick lately. I think I knit 3 pairs of socks in the month of November, including a new design that will be released later this week! I'm in the zone. This is the pair that got the ball rolling. A very simple toe up sock, spiced up with a few stripes inspired by a pair of Micah's wee socks. After not having had a pair of socks on the needles for a while this pair reminded me of how much I love small portable projects and using odds and ends of yarn! 

Cute right? I'm actually quite smitten with these. So simple, but quite graphic and striking! Never underestimate the power of a high contrast stripe. :)