Pattern: Antler Hat by tincanknits.
Yarn: TFA PureWash Worsted in Mona Lisa + a grey pompom.
Ravelry Project page here.
A few weeks ago my knitting mojo just up and left me. I'm usually a person who can't sit without knitting, but for over a week I didn't knit a stitch - it may have been closer to 2 weeks actually. I just didn't feel like it. Crazy right? This happens from time to time and the need to knit always finds it's way back. In this case, it was a simple hat that did the trick. This is not a new pattern, this is not a new colourway, but suddenly I was overcome with the desire to knit this hat with this skein of yarn. I had been hoarding this partial skein of Mona Lisa for ages and completely out of nowhere it decided to pull me out of my funk and give me my groove back.
Since I only had a partial skein I decided that it would be a kid sized hat and Micah was showing enthusiasm for the project so I told him that I was knitting it for him and he completely lit up! I think that this is the first time that he's really shown interest and awareness in what I'm knitting - other than grabbing my yarn and wrapping it around his hands and proclaiming that he's "all tangled up!" he's never really expressed much interest in the process. I started it on Sunday, on Monday morning I popped my WIP on his head to see if it fit and told him that I'd have it done by the end of the day. When he walked in the door after daycare I showed him the finished hat and he was actually excited and, get this, he asked if we could put a pompom on it! I don't know why that made me as happy as it did, but it really made my day. I guess it's the fact that he's old enough to realize that hats and pompoms go together and wether or not to pompom or not to pompom is the type of decisions that we as knitters make... Am I reading too much into it? It's just cool when your kids realize that you made this for them, that hats and mitts don't just appear, but that mommy makes stuff.
He loves his new hat. :)
Knitting with Mona Lisa was a delight. I love this colourway and I've added a bunch to the Limited Edition Section of the colourways page! This is exactly why I wanted to add the Limited Edition section - when I knit a lovely project in a not-usually-available colourway I can dye up a few batches and make them available to you all so I'm not just dangling products and colourways in front of you and then telling you that you can't get your hands on them. I've also restocked Crystal in the PureWash bases that sold out very quickly last week. This is fun right?
I've also added a new (possibly limited edition, but maybe not) Lavender Fade to the 5 Skein Fades collection. This fade is soft and lovely and I really like that darkest shade on the left, but also the bluest one in the middle and I especially like them all together, which is convenient since this is a fade set... I think we'll work on a green set next.
ps: I'm already knitting another little hat in a fun speckled yarn because Mama got her groove back!