I'm going to *try* and post a tiny little weekly recap most Fridays from now on. A mini journal of sorts. Mostly for me, but also to fill you in on what I'm up to. Some of the photos might have already appeared on Instagram and some not. Mostly family stuff I expect but knitting too of course. ;)
The balloon parade for Rowan's first day of kindergarten! Notice how he and Chris have the exact same gait.
We have a new sofa that we love... but who is in charge of tidying the pillows every 2 minutes?
My most recent FO! The pattern is Sunshine Coast by Heidi Kirrmaier. FO post coming soon!
Chris surprised us all by cutting his hair off last night. I think he's gorgeous either way but I will miss getting to braid those luscious locks!
Hi Willow! Hi Chris' new short do! She is always that happy. She's incredible. Also, 6+ months in and she's still getting use out of that teeny, tiny Baby Vertebrae.