This week felt like the first week of the rest of our lives! A touch dramatic? Perhaps. The thing is, Rowan takes the school bus to and from school and that means that we are on a very fixed morning and afternoon schedule, something we haven't had since before I started TFA! Everyone said it would be annoying but so far I am loving the added structure. I think it's going to make us much more productive during our precious work hours.
I am still cranking out polygons and loving it. I'm nearing the end of my stash of leftovers and might actually start thinking about seaming soon!
Did you know that Chris is a knife maker? He has made some really beautiful knives but has just upped his game by taking a blacksmithing course last weekend.
This is an order I mailed earlier this week. Someone is ready for hat weather and I am inspired! May have to cast on for a hat myself this weekend. Pictured yarn/pompom combos are Garnet/burgundy, Stone/brown, Fig/deep purple.
Willow learned how to sit this week! She's so tiny yet so fierce.
When Rowan and I went lunch box shopping he was very specific about wanting a bento box AND a thermos. I was thrilled when I found this one by Omie at It wasn't cheap (although it was on sale when I bought it), but it's awesome. We're only one week in, but so far it's gotten rave reviews from Rowan.