Don’t forget that today is the last day to order from our Metropolis Dyed-To-Order Update! The Metropolis listing will come down at 8pm tonight.
As you may know, Chris and I traveled across the country last weekend to participate in our first knitting event in 7 years and our first ever Knit City. Logistically it was more than I’m used to but once we wrapped our minds around shipping a pallet to a logistics company and paying all the extra material handling fees etc. it turned out to be not so bad after all. I wouldn’t want to do it all again next week, but next year? I could totally handle that. The Knit City experience was profoundly positive. The vibe of the show was so supportive and friendly. I was nervous going into it, but the experience was one for the books.
Something that I wasn’t expecting was just how great it was to see all of our yarns set out on shelves like this. Since we work from home and do not have nearly enough space to properly display all of our inventory I never get to see it like this. It made me proud to look around and see our booth looking so cheerful. It definitely makes me yearn for a little shop front that we could have permanently set up.
Here are a few pics from the weekend plus a new knitting kit I’m coveting.
Chris workin’ the booth! I love seeing all of our yarns displayed like this. It’s a wee bit crowded but… SO MUCH COLOUR!
Chris again… workin’ the booth. He really came into his own last weekend and embraced being part of the dynamic duo that makes up Tanis Fiber Arts. He’s enjoyed his role behind the scenes up until now but I think that the Knit City experience helped him come out of his shell, which is very exciting for me.
The Love Note Sweater by Tin Can Knits was a show favourite. This group shot was awesome! We’ve got Love Note kits for sale here.
Now that we’re back home it’s time to unpack all the samples! It was pretty cool to see so many of my hand knits hung up around the booth. Maybe I need to start hanging them up around my house like art? Also, DANG I’ve got a lot of colourful knits!
Speaking of knitted art… How awesome is this new pattern from Stephanie Earp!? Yoke O’Clock is my new favourite thing ever. She’s selling kits with all the hardware on her website. Run don’t walk!