Now that we have a kid in school this was our first year having a March break and we tried to make the most of it without doing anything crazy. A play date, a sleepover at the grandparents house, lots of time playing outside, a visit to the Botanical Gardens (lovely!) and the insectarium (not so lovely…) and we’ll be finishing off the week with a trip to my Ottawa to spend time with my brother and his family. Wasn’t the most productive work week but it more than made up for it in family time - a fair trade off once in a while!
We went to the Botanical Gardens this week and enjoyed the Butterflies Go Free exhibit.
Winter fun.
Two dudes hanging out at the Botanical Gardens. The banana tree and anything remotely resembling a waterfall was a big hit.
2 weeks later and the carnations from a grocery store bouquet are still going strong.
PureWash Chunky in Smoke, Tidal, Atlantic, Lotus, Spearmint, Buttercup.