I have been quiet lately and I’m really looking forward to the day when I can be more present here on the blog. I’m just, well, not quite there yet. The only reason I’m able to get this post up today is because my sweet busy baby is under the weather and had us up all night - the trade off being she’s sleeping in this morning allowing me a few extra moments to blog! I know that when the baby starts daycare in the fall my days will be dramatically different and for now I am allowing myself to enjoy my time with her. Life is good and busy and I’m taking each day as it comes!
One of my favourite outfits currently. Yellow rain boots are always a good idea. Sweater is a little Flax.
My current WIP looking lovely.
My brother and his wife have taken up pottery and I am in love with what they are making!
Two of my favourite dudes in two of my favourite hoodies! Colourwork one here, striped one here.
Add your name to the Test Knitters Thread in my Ravelry group if you’re interested in testing this shawl! I’ll be looking for testers within the week!