The lovely and talented Julie Asselin and her husband JF organize a very unique and fun event every year (this is the 4th year running) where they invite their friends and fellow fiber enthusiasts to join them to:
Meet new friends, eat cheese and shop for yarn and knitting goodies at our thoughtfully curated marketplace.
Doesn’t that sound just heavenly? I’ve wanted to go every year but babies and schedules have kept me away until now. This year Chris and I are happy to be included as one of the vendors setting up a table in the marketplace and I look forward to seeing many of you in person. I’ll be the one knitting and eating copious amounts of cheese. I mean really, does it get any better?
It has been years since we have done a show and I am really excited to get back out there.
Chris and I circa 2010
I was digging through the archives looking for a photo of Chris and I at a show and I found this beauty. I wish it was higher resolution! It’s such a gem from almost a decade ago. We’re so young! Everything has changed and nothing has changed. Ain’t life grand?