an update for a cause + a general life update

I’ve posted the photo below on social media and in my newsletter already but it’s just so cheerful and makes me happy and I’m not over it so here it is again!

I’ve got lots to talk about so I’m going to get the big important stuff out first and then I’ll be able to take my time and get real chatty afterwards. Here we go!

office floor

Do you need a pick me up? Because I could certainly use a spot of sunshine in my days right now!

This Wednesday, March 25th will be a big day at TFA headquarters! We’ve got a big Pop Up Shop update happening on Wednesday at 9 am ET with more Fade Sets than you can shake a stick at! We’re donating 10% of all websales and 100% of all pattern sales from the day to Food Banks Canada. I’ll also be launching my City Limits sweater pattern on Wednesday and it will be FREE for the first week. We’re hosting a TFA Colour Riot KAL AND will be doing weekly giveaways on Mondays (on Instagram!) We’ve resurrected the TFA Podcast! So if you’re looking for some knitting content to keep you company while you, well, knit! we’ve got you covered. ;)

As of today Canada Post is still operating as usual, so we’re proceeding as normal with this update and will get orders in the mail asap. Should the situation with the postal service change in the coming days this could obviously affect delivery times, feel free to reach out with any questions if that happens. We’re doing our best to continue with business as usual while at the same time making sure that the safety of our family (I would say staff, but it’s just me and Chris!) is a top priority.

We’re very excited to be donating a percentage of the sales from Wednesday to Food Banks Canada. There are so many businesses and individuals in need right now it can be hard to know where to even begin! Rather than allowing myself to get overwhelmed by the need or paralyzed by uncertainty I’ve chosen to do this small thing. I feel so lucky to be safe at home with my family - still able to knit and enjoy the comforts of home during this very weird time - I don’t take any of it for granted. Not everyone is so lucky.

I’ll officially be launching my City Limits pattern on Wednesday but between you and me I’ll try my best to get it up on Ravelry by Tuesday night so you can download it and take a look at the pattern in time to plan for Wednesday’s update. My sample is knit using our Orion 5 Skein Fade Set held with a strand of Metropolis mohair. I knit the size 37.25” finished bust and was able to get the whole thing out of a single set with enough leftover to knit a pair of socks for Chris (and maybe more - I’m not done the second sock yet). One 5 Skein Fade set should be enough to knit the pattern up to a size 40”. Sizes 43.5” and up would do better with a 6th skein. I’ll have recommendations in the 5 Skein Fade listing for which colour would work best as the 6th skein - something from our Core Collection (for example, with that Pool Fade above I’d recommend adding a skein of Midnight or Cobalt to the darker end - it would be stunning! I’d add Fig to the Spicy red fade etc.) Plus I’m always available by email to offer advice if you’re having trouble choosing a colour. You also very may well have something in your stash that could work and that’s a great option too! My idea behind the pattern is that it would be a great stash buster (much like my Marled Metropolis) BUT since not everyone has an epic stash of leftover sock yarns to work from I’ve offered up a more methodical system with the Fade Set as well. But, as always, I encourage you to get creative and make it your own!

leo city limits

I also have to add that the addition of the strand of mohair is totally optional! I’ve done it because I’m in a mohair phase and I love that halo! It makes the fade very gradual but it also subdues the colours. You should be able to get gauge without without the mohair. The gauge is 4.5 sts per inch - which is a relaxed worsted weight gauge so I’ve also knit up a sample for my almost 7 year old using a single strand of PureWash Worsted in the Leo colourway and I love it! He’s been wearing it stockinette side out. I did the ribbed cuffs and hems on his (mine has the icord option) and the result is a completely different sweater. Which is MY FAVOURITE THING EVER! You could knit this sweater with positive ease, negative ease, a fade, a single colour, wear it purl side or knit side out, you’ve got 2 hem options… I’m thrilled. I love a good basic that you can knit over and over with different results. I hope this pattern becomes that for you.

This update will also feature a whole lot of Limited Edition Palettes which are very much my happy place right now. Putting together these palettes is so much fun. I was photographing them today and I literally gasped at every single one of them. They’re perfect for Camaro’s, for baby blankets, for colourwork, for everything! A multicoloured DK weight stash is always a good idea. The Speckled Rainbow Palette is an oldie but a goodie. We haven’t made it in ages because I kept figuring that since we have done so many new colours since the last time we made it we must have a better speckled rainbow option that we could put together by now but the we did it and it officially can’t be beat! We tried swapping out colours and kept settling on this original scheme as our favourite. We’ll have lots of the Speckled Rainbow Palette so if you’ve been waiting for it, this is your chance!

So, how are you doing? This is such a strange time we’re living in. Here at TFA our mission is to continue to provide you with colourful moments to brighten your day and lighten your spirits. We’re hanging in there just fine. We miss the grandparents terribly but we talk to them everyday and are finding lots of ways to stay busy. I’ve rearranged the office a bit so my desk is now double sided and the kids can set themselves up with a puzzle or some colouring while I’m doing computer work. That last shot up there is a screen shot of Willow cracking jokes while we were trying to film our latest podcast episode! It’s definitely different but we’re all in this together and we’re trying to make the most of it!