I'm a little late in wishing you all holiday happy thoughts, but we were too busy enjoying the holidays ourselves to stop and blog! Christmas with an almost 21 month old certainly takes the cake for "best Christmas ever". I expect to feel that way for years to come though, things just keep getting better and better. It is very exciting knowing that we have so much to look forward to. Next year we'll have 2 little ones to celebrate with!
Our holidays are nowhere near over (that's what I'm telling myself at least). My brother and his family will be coming to town tomorrow so it will feel like round 2 of Christmas! In between festivities I've been spending lots of down time sitting with my mom and sister knitting. I've got a lot of progress to show for it and will have plenty to share in the coming days/weeks.
Hoping you all had/are having a wonderful holiday season! We're doing our best to really make the most of it. We all work so hard preparing for the holidays and then it often seems like they are over in a flash. Not this year! I'm totally milking this family time for all it's worth!